Releasing HexOS to early Consumers

Compo Launched March 16th, 2023 with 1400 Users.

Q1 2023

Compo Released
1440 Users, 40% Active
Marketing To Date

2K+ Webflow-based Beta List Emails, Ben Bite's, Runway, PR-light, Product Hunt

How we did this

Webflow based user retention & outreach. Individual networking.

Q2 2023

Open to Consumers
Marketing Efforts

4K+ Beta List Emails, Ben Bite's, Runway, PR-light, Product Hunt

How we'll do this

Open early beta with billing platform, virtual events and PR efforts


5.5K SSO
550 Teams
40 Enterprise
$670K MRR / $8.2M ARR
How we'll do this

Enterprise Sales Efforts with AI-Integration On Site outreach

Partnerships & royalty agreements for Agency Partnerhips (Starting again, with Webflow Agencies).